Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Letter from Gina---24 Hour Run for Mission Support

Gina Sheets
2282 East County Road 250 North
Frankfort IN 46041

Greetings Friends –

I am writing this letter to ask you for your financial support so that I may travel to Vietnam with World Mission Builders January 17th – 30th, 2010. This is a monumental event in church building in Vietnam and World Mission Builders. Over the past several years World Mission Builders has been communicating with the Vietnamese government and they have now authorized World Mission Builders (WMB) to build a church. WMB is working with a full time pastor in Vietnam who for his protection will remain unnamed. As you can tell while WMB is allowed to build the church they have been instructed to not evangelize and minister outside of the church congregation. The door to Christianity is opening very cautiously and we will take precautions to abide by the government request so the door will remain open to share the Gospel.
As you know Trav is a full time missionary with WMB and this means he raises all of his own support to travel and build churches in other countries. I have never traveled with Trav on his trips as we believe it is his job to build churches and share the Gospel, not worry about my protection in some times hostile areas. This chance to go to Vietnam I see may be once in a lifetime. I do not want to diminish the need for the continued support of Trav’s work, so I have created a plan to raise funds for my participation to Vietnam.
Starting at 3:00pm Friday October 2nd and concluding at 3:00pm Saturday October 3rd is the 24 hour Tour d”Esprit in Memphis Tennessee. This is a 24 hour run that I will be participating in to raise funds for my Vietnam trip but my participation has a second good cause to it. My entry fee that I have paid is going to support the Haiti Medical Missions of Memphis, there are two winning countries – Haiti and Vietnam, how awesome is that!
I have never ran a 24 hour race, I have ran an 8 hour race which has similar logistics, an approximate one mile loop course in a park, with timers, a place to set up a tent, restrooms close by and an aid station. I have ran 50 mile events on trail that took me over 10 hours to finish. You can say the farthest I have ran has been 62 miles and the longest I have ran has been over 10 hours. Running 24 hours has been a goal of mine for the past two years and now seems to be the time to attempt that goal.
I am looking for per mile sponsors. For every mile I run would you be so kind to pledge so much per mile? Or you can always donate a flat amount but it is more of challenge to me to run farther if it means more support, right?
Your contribution is tax deductible as WMB is a 501c3. Please complete the attached pledge form and return back to me as soon as you. If you want Trav to send out updates via email while I am out running be sure to include your email address.


Address: ________________________________________________________________________

I am pledging _______________ for every mile completed. Or I am donating ________________ .

Yes I want to updated during the run my email is _____________________________________

Please return this pledge sheet or your donation to:
World Mission Builders
2282 East County Road 250 North, Frankfort IN, 46041

***If you are reading this on the blog and wish to have a copy of the pledge sheet above, simply click and drag over the area you wish to copy. Once it is highlighted, push the Control key and the "C" key (Command and "C" for Mac users) to copy. Navigate to Microsoft Word, or wherever you want and push Control and the "V" key (Command and "V" for Mac) to paste what you have highlighted. Then save and print. Print several copies to share with friends!!***

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