"stupid is as stupid does" and that is coming from a guy who "just loves to run" - we all understood Forest was different, me crazy different. I have done and NEVER IN MY LIFE WILL TRY ANOTHER 24 hour run or 100 miles. For those of you in the running club let me tell you, David Hughes needs a big, huge, award for running 13 100 miles in 12 months - something is really wrong with him. I am disappointed that I missed my first goal of 83 and I had time on the clock when I took myself out at 80 but I am not sure I had any brain power or tank power, literally I was numb at that point.
Just a few highlights - I went out too fast, no really it is hard to believe that I would do that but I did, I was suppose to maintain a 13 and some change pace. I was around 9:30's and 10:00's for too many miles, but I felt good "famous last words". When it got dark I noticed I my soreness more. I took some Alleve and that helped to some degree. My food of choice was plain cheese burgers from McDonald's I ate four of them over the course of 24 hours. I ate Chex Mix, Scoops, apples, some candy and my favorite drink sweet tea. I had water or gatorade about every mile. I had half a GU at the start and that was all I could take. The winning 9 year old girl ran 18 miles. She could have done more I know for a fact but at some point, no idea what time this may have been but she and her little friend past me (okay than that meant it was at least 7:00am) and they were almost to the lap recorder when they veried left for the play ground. I thought how wonderful to keep our priorities straight. I took some naps the first one was because I was literally falling asleep while running, that was sort of a strange feeling. I would wander right, then left and jump when a relay runner would pass me. Back at the site I told Trav I needed 30 minutes to sleep - heck I should have taken an hour but it was a hard core approach at mile 55. Then I went back around 62 and slept for three hours, my tank was empty and Trav was already asleep so that made it easy. I was up at 6:00am and it was freezing it was almost too cold to move but I knew that would be the only way to stay warm. Trav was cheering me to keep going. Then he told me he was going back to the hotel, I knew that was my chance to sleep again, wonderful sleep. When he got back to the camp site he had no idea I was snoozing in the tent. I was up at 7:00am I think, times were not easy to compute at that point (or really any point, Nicole is good at running and doing math). At that point I changed clothes for the third time and just wanted 80 miles and when 80 came, I went.
I was surprised to be the overall female winner, lucky year for me. I won some really cool things in a Haiti gift basket. This race went to support a medical mission in Haiti. What a blessing to run to the point of exhaustion for two good causes. I could have never done any of this if it were not for Trav taking care of me. When he was a round I would have my sweet tea poured into a cup for me to drink. When he was not around I drank straight from the jug. He would help me, motivate me, make me laugh and be the wonderful partner that he is to me, GOD has so blest me.
Upon returning to the hotel I almost pulled another stink and go to sleep moment (read the CKRR newsletter for October www.ckrr.us) I was tempted just to put on sweats and climb into bed - at that point I had been "up" for 33 hours. I went for the cold bath warm bath and thought before dozing off I should thank you all for your support and kindness.
In the quiet times when running I find myself closer to GOD and in HIS meditation, what a blessing.
Rest well my friends -
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Done! 80 miles
24 Hr Marathon Update 12:35 PM
I think we are to around 70 or so. she is to that no expression phase. normally each time she runs by, she waves and i get a smile. now, there is the zone factor. no expression, just a determined straight-ahead look. ...but she still going with about 4 hours to go. trav
24 Hr Marathon Update 9:30 AM
I just came back to the hotel to get cleaned up. When I left she was on her 64th mile and doing much better. When I asked if she needed anything before I left, she replied, "a new body"...she's back in the game.
24 Hr Marathon Update 7:06 AM
This is not good. At 55 miles she began falling asleep while running. she then found herself back in the tent for a bit more rest. at about 6:45 she got up to hit the track again eventhough everything is hurting. trav
24 Hr Memphis Run Update 4:52 AM
okay, 50 in now! yep, half way to the goal of 100. she just slid in for a quick nap. 30 minutes she says. it's one hour behind down here so I'll wake her at about 1:30 am. trav
Friday, October 2, 2009
Memphis 24 hour run, Update 11:30 pm
Well; she is at thirty something. that means she is over one third complete. she has stopped by the tent a couple of times to carb up- then off again. i'm going to take a nap so that I can get up later when she might need aome encouragement. it might be a very long night. Trav
24 Hour Run Update from Travis 6:31pm
me again! she is at 15 and still looking good. just think- only 22 more hours to go. ...what am i going to have for supper? oh, never mind, you're not interested in that. more later, maybe after i eat something...I'm really grtting hungry. Trav
24 Hour Run Update from Travis
Hello everyone! Gina is on mile 6 and I must say she looks pretty good. I am lounging and enjoying the beautiful day. Oh, and I am also doing my job- you know cheering and such and of course, guarding our camp site. I'm e-mailing from a blackberry so please excuse the quality of these messages- I have a hard time with technology. More to come later. Trav
Hey there, it is a beautiful day in Memphis. Lovely, better than expected. Trav and I went out and set up the tent. We got a nice place right on the course so I will be able to access food, shoes, clothes and anything else I need rather quickly. While I did not want to add one more mile, the course from what I heard looks nice but there appears to be some incline to it. I will be whining about that around the 10th hour and, I'm sure, from then until 3 PM tomorrow. Memphis is on "slow time," as my granny would say, which means we are one hour behind you. Here shortly we will leave to set up my table and my own little aid station. The highlight for my aid will be nutter butters and sweet tea. I was all ready to open the nutter butters and begin fueling 4 hours early! Thanks for everyone's kind support and positive reinforcement leading up to today. I am good to go. Easy pace. I hopt to have 100 miles in by 1 PM tomorrow. The course record is 108 miles for female, but I am not going for that, believe it or not. I am just excited to be here and I will have plenty of time to think about the Vietnam trip and the many needs our global brother and sisters have. Can you imagine living in fear of your life because you are a Christian? Can you imagine not having the comforts of your church because you are a Christian? Those thoughts and many more will keep me putting one foot in front of the other. Forward motion and it is all good. Trav will email out an update or two. Take care my friends. I will be thinking of you and praying for you.
Happy Day--Gina
Hey there, it is a beautiful day in Memphis. Lovely, better than expected. Trav and I went out and set up the tent. We got a nice place right on the course so I will be able to access food, shoes, clothes and anything else I need rather quickly. While I did not want to add one more mile, the course from what I heard looks nice but there appears to be some incline to it. I will be whining about that around the 10th hour and, I'm sure, from then until 3 PM tomorrow. Memphis is on "slow time," as my granny would say, which means we are one hour behind you. Here shortly we will leave to set up my table and my own little aid station. The highlight for my aid will be nutter butters and sweet tea. I was all ready to open the nutter butters and begin fueling 4 hours early! Thanks for everyone's kind support and positive reinforcement leading up to today. I am good to go. Easy pace. I hopt to have 100 miles in by 1 PM tomorrow. The course record is 108 miles for female, but I am not going for that, believe it or not. I am just excited to be here and I will have plenty of time to think about the Vietnam trip and the many needs our global brother and sisters have. Can you imagine living in fear of your life because you are a Christian? Can you imagine not having the comforts of your church because you are a Christian? Those thoughts and many more will keep me putting one foot in front of the other. Forward motion and it is all good. Trav will email out an update or two. Take care my friends. I will be thinking of you and praying for you.
Happy Day--Gina
24 hour run,
Gina Sheets,
Memphis 24 hour run,
Mission trip,
Thursday, September 10, 2009
A Letter from Gina---24 Hour Run for Mission Support
Gina Sheets
2282 East County Road 250 North
Frankfort IN 46041 sheets.gina@yahoo.com
Greetings Friends –
I am writing this letter to ask you for your financial support so that I may travel to Vietnam with World Mission Builders January 17th – 30th, 2010. This is a monumental event in church building in Vietnam and World Mission Builders. Over the past several years World Mission Builders has been communicating with the Vietnamese government and they have now authorized World Mission Builders (WMB) to build a church. WMB is working with a full time pastor in Vietnam who for his protection will remain unnamed. As you can tell while WMB is allowed to build the church they have been instructed to not evangelize and minister outside of the church congregation. The door to Christianity is opening very cautiously and we will take precautions to abide by the government request so the door will remain open to share the Gospel.
As you know Trav is a full time missionary with WMB and this means he raises all of his own support to travel and build churches in other countries. I have never traveled with Trav on his trips as we believe it is his job to build churches and share the Gospel, not worry about my protection in some times hostile areas. This chance to go to Vietnam I see may be once in a lifetime. I do not want to diminish the need for the continued support of Trav’s work, so I have created a plan to raise funds for my participation to Vietnam.
Starting at 3:00pm Friday October 2nd and concluding at 3:00pm Saturday October 3rd is the 24 hour Tour d”Esprit in Memphis Tennessee. This is a 24 hour run that I will be participating in to raise funds for my Vietnam trip but my participation has a second good cause to it. My entry fee that I have paid is going to support the Haiti Medical Missions of Memphis, there are two winning countries – Haiti and Vietnam, how awesome is that!
I have never ran a 24 hour race, I have ran an 8 hour race which has similar logistics, an approximate one mile loop course in a park, with timers, a place to set up a tent, restrooms close by and an aid station. I have ran 50 mile events on trail that took me over 10 hours to finish. You can say the farthest I have ran has been 62 miles and the longest I have ran has been over 10 hours. Running 24 hours has been a goal of mine for the past two years and now seems to be the time to attempt that goal.
I am looking for per mile sponsors. For every mile I run would you be so kind to pledge so much per mile? Or you can always donate a flat amount but it is more of challenge to me to run farther if it means more support, right?
Your contribution is tax deductible as WMB is a 501c3. Please complete the attached pledge form and return back to me as soon as you. If you want Trav to send out updates via email while I am out running be sure to include your email address.
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
I am pledging _______________ for every mile completed. Or I am donating ________________ .
Yes I want to updated during the run my email is _____________________________________
Please return this pledge sheet or your donation to:
World Mission Builders
2282 East County Road 250 North, Frankfort IN, 46041
***If you are reading this on the blog and wish to have a copy of the pledge sheet above, simply click and drag over the area you wish to copy. Once it is highlighted, push the Control key and the "C" key (Command and "C" for Mac users) to copy. Navigate to Microsoft Word, or wherever you want and push Control and the "V" key (Command and "V" for Mac) to paste what you have highlighted. Then save and print. Print several copies to share with friends!!***
2282 East County Road 250 North
Frankfort IN 46041 sheets.gina@yahoo.com
Greetings Friends –
I am writing this letter to ask you for your financial support so that I may travel to Vietnam with World Mission Builders January 17th – 30th, 2010. This is a monumental event in church building in Vietnam and World Mission Builders. Over the past several years World Mission Builders has been communicating with the Vietnamese government and they have now authorized World Mission Builders (WMB) to build a church. WMB is working with a full time pastor in Vietnam who for his protection will remain unnamed. As you can tell while WMB is allowed to build the church they have been instructed to not evangelize and minister outside of the church congregation. The door to Christianity is opening very cautiously and we will take precautions to abide by the government request so the door will remain open to share the Gospel.
As you know Trav is a full time missionary with WMB and this means he raises all of his own support to travel and build churches in other countries. I have never traveled with Trav on his trips as we believe it is his job to build churches and share the Gospel, not worry about my protection in some times hostile areas. This chance to go to Vietnam I see may be once in a lifetime. I do not want to diminish the need for the continued support of Trav’s work, so I have created a plan to raise funds for my participation to Vietnam.
Starting at 3:00pm Friday October 2nd and concluding at 3:00pm Saturday October 3rd is the 24 hour Tour d”Esprit in Memphis Tennessee. This is a 24 hour run that I will be participating in to raise funds for my Vietnam trip but my participation has a second good cause to it. My entry fee that I have paid is going to support the Haiti Medical Missions of Memphis, there are two winning countries – Haiti and Vietnam, how awesome is that!
I have never ran a 24 hour race, I have ran an 8 hour race which has similar logistics, an approximate one mile loop course in a park, with timers, a place to set up a tent, restrooms close by and an aid station. I have ran 50 mile events on trail that took me over 10 hours to finish. You can say the farthest I have ran has been 62 miles and the longest I have ran has been over 10 hours. Running 24 hours has been a goal of mine for the past two years and now seems to be the time to attempt that goal.
I am looking for per mile sponsors. For every mile I run would you be so kind to pledge so much per mile? Or you can always donate a flat amount but it is more of challenge to me to run farther if it means more support, right?
Your contribution is tax deductible as WMB is a 501c3. Please complete the attached pledge form and return back to me as soon as you. If you want Trav to send out updates via email while I am out running be sure to include your email address.
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
I am pledging _______________ for every mile completed. Or I am donating ________________ .
Yes I want to updated during the run my email is _____________________________________
Please return this pledge sheet or your donation to:
World Mission Builders
2282 East County Road 250 North, Frankfort IN, 46041
***If you are reading this on the blog and wish to have a copy of the pledge sheet above, simply click and drag over the area you wish to copy. Once it is highlighted, push the Control key and the "C" key (Command and "C" for Mac users) to copy. Navigate to Microsoft Word, or wherever you want and push Control and the "V" key (Command and "V" for Mac) to paste what you have highlighted. Then save and print. Print several copies to share with friends!!***
Thursday, August 13, 2009
2009 Summer Picnic Slides
Turn up your volume. Give the show plenty of time to load, it's a large file.
See you next year!
Turn up your volume. Give the show plenty of time to load, it's a large file.
See you next year!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Gina and Travis will be traveling with a missionary group to Vietnam in January of 2010. Please keep the group in your prayers as they finalize their travel plans and raise money for the trip.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Gina Says Goodbye
In case you haven't heard, Gina's last day with the local Chamber of Commerce/Economic Development was this past Friday. She has accepted the position of Assistant Director of Economic Development with the State of Indiana Agriculture Department. Gina's new gig begins on August 10th and will take her throughout the state as she works to further the best interests of our agriculture communities.
In case you haven't heard, Gina's last day with the local Chamber of Commerce/Economic Development was this past Friday. She has accepted the position of Assistant Director of Economic Development with the State of Indiana Agriculture Department. Gina's new gig begins on August 10th and will take her throughout the state as she works to further the best interests of our agriculture communities.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Mikkel and Mauricio
It's the end of the school year and our boys will be leaving soon. Time for one last gathering of friends and family at the lake to celebrate their year with us and Mauricio's graduation from Clinton Central. It's been a year filled with memories. Trips to Arizona, Michigan, Florida. Football games, wrestling matches and track meets. Girls. Teenaged boys everywhere. Girls. New foods, new words, new experiences. For us as well as the boys. Butter packages with deceptive pictures of cookies. Facebook on our computer and smelly socks left on the floor.
It's been the best year.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Travis spoke at Community Christian Church today. Perhaps you would like to hear him preach and speak about the impact of the mission work many of you generously support in his name.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Boston Update
Gina has finished the race. Looked a little dicey on Saturday evening after she arrived in Boston and realized she was sick. She was out there running today though with a 10:30 AM start. Interesting little side note...her start time offset was 0:01:59, meaning it took one minute and fifty-nine seconds for her to cross the start line once the race began. Bit of a crowd there at the beginning.
Race stats:
Total Race Field: 26,331 Entrants
Time: 3:47:17
Overall Placing: 12,187
Women's Placing: 3,559
Age Division Placing: 617
Way to go, Gina!!
Race stats:
Total Race Field: 26,331 Entrants
Time: 3:47:17
Overall Placing: 12,187
Women's Placing: 3,559
Age Division Placing: 617
Way to go, Gina!!
Friday, April 17, 2009
This one's for Gina who will be running the Boston Marathon on Monday, April 20, 2009.
Gina did her first mini-marathon in 2004 in Indianapolis and has been non-stop since. She's run marathons and 50 mile cross country races all over the United States. Qualifying for Boston was a big goal for her and the whole family is outrageously proud of her.
A couple of years ago she was an alternate for the Blue Planet Run, an organized global run to promote awareness of the need for clean drinking water.So she's not just a good runner. She's a good person who's a good runner.
The weather forecast for Monday is mid 40s and cloudy which should make for good running conditions. Support Gina by viewing the race live online Monday
Gina did her first mini-marathon in 2004 in Indianapolis and has been non-stop since. She's run marathons and 50 mile cross country races all over the United States. Qualifying for Boston was a big goal for her and the whole family is outrageously proud of her.
A couple of years ago she was an alternate for the Blue Planet Run, an organized global run to promote awareness of the need for clean drinking water.So she's not just a good runner. She's a good person who's a good runner.
The weather forecast for Monday is mid 40s and cloudy which should make for good running conditions. Support Gina by viewing the race live online Monday
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Mission Photos
Greetings -
Trav would never say this but I wanted you to see these pictures of the first church of two, that Travis and Bob (I "demanded" that this time Trav not be the only American on the advanced party) were to oversee that the site was prepped and ready for the mission team that arrives after Easter. You can clearly see that this church is almost complete! While I often sit amazed at how GOD has moved Travis to this occupation, I understand why - his heart is in this work. Trav and Bob did this work along with what locals were there in less than one week. Remember he had trouble with lost luggage and extra days in the airport because of missing connecting flights to the next island, but to accomplish so much is incredible. (Now I fully expect that my "honey do" list which I myself have been putting together will get complete equally as quickly when Trav returns - ha!).
I know he was up very early and worked long hours to see this church was about done so he could get to the next one and get it started plus see about the parsonage that will be built.
Thanks so much for your prayers, and friendship -
Happy day -
Trav would never say this but I wanted you to see these pictures of the first church of two, that Travis and Bob (I "demanded" that this time Trav not be the only American on the advanced party) were to oversee that the site was prepped and ready for the mission team that arrives after Easter. You can clearly see that this church is almost complete! While I often sit amazed at how GOD has moved Travis to this occupation, I understand why - his heart is in this work. Trav and Bob did this work along with what locals were there in less than one week. Remember he had trouble with lost luggage and extra days in the airport because of missing connecting flights to the next island, but to accomplish so much is incredible. (Now I fully expect that my "honey do" list which I myself have been putting together will get complete equally as quickly when Trav returns - ha!).
I know he was up very early and worked long hours to see this church was about done so he could get to the next one and get it started plus see about the parsonage that will be built.
Thanks so much for your prayers, and friendship -
Happy day -
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
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