Monday, May 26, 2008

Rudy Is Leaving The Farm

A funny thing happened on the farm, and so will begin my first attempt at blogging.
12:30am Monday morning the door bell rings. The dogs are doing their upmost professional guard dog bark and thus the stranger is standing not on the porch but on the top step. Trav opens the door and the stranger announces you have two cows out down the road.
Great. Off we go to block our county road from traffic until we assess how many more cows are out and hiding. Fortunately our cows are pastured so that means they are given corn only as a treat and usually that treat comes during the escape and herd effort. Trav headed out on the six wheeler and I in the truck, Trav had the "sugar bucket" filled with corn in hand. Trav arrived at the scene of the crime first there was significant evidence of the premeditated escape route. The fence was completely lifted up and bent. Around the corner there stood Rudy, sire of the herd, leader of his family, setting a horrible example by being out in the middle of county road 250 at 12:40am. I was taken back as Rudy has only escaped once in three years, and that occured two months ago at a more appropriate hour, 3:00pm in the afternoon. I was eventually able to lure Rudy back in the fence by shaking the sugar bucket and a smack in the rear. Rudy is not trust worthy, besides being the sire, the king, the dude of the herd his registered name is WARLORD and at times that is exactly what he is, ready to conduct battle. So imagine my dismay to see Rudy out of the fence who may or may not cooperate. It took Trav about thirty seconds to open the fence, two seconds to shake the sugar bucket and Rudy dutifully went back in the fence and a wayward female quickly followed. That heifer and I need to talk about who she follows around and at what hour. Apparently no one has ever told her nothing good happens after midnight.
It took about eight hours before Rudy and six of his herd were listed for sale, punishment can be swift and quick on the farm. I know one of the six that will join Rudy, she has no name, I quit naming after we consumed Jack Frost, the first calf born on our farm. She is going because she too went after the greener or at least taller grass on the other side of fence. This was noticed as we pulled into the driveway after attending church on Sunday as she was almost on the bridge with the potential to bring more cows with her. She was a little more reluctant to herd back inside the fence. She was also hoping we would not notice her escape route and she stood by until the entire fence was repaired, oh yeah she is definitely leaving. Being too smart for her own good.
So that was our immediate past week of adventures on the farm just too name two out of about 20 more, our life is never without amusement and certainly blessed with joy.

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