Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Glimpse of Christmas

A few glimpses of Christmas Eve at the farm.

Gina's sister and brother-in-law, Kevin and Lorri, came over along with one of their daughters, Paige, her son Joshua and her boyfriend, Rob. A friend of the boys from school also came over for a last visit before he returns to Brazil.

It was another day of feasting, family and fun with the Wii game. We exchanged some gifts and followed our tradition of reading a Christmas Eve story. Gina read one of Josh's favorites this year, Auntie Claus, as well as the very traditional Night Before Christmas.

Mauricio said he had never heard either story before and Mikkel said he is familiar with The Night Before Christmas. It was fun to share these parts of Christmas with them.

On Christmas Day we gathered with Travis's family on his dad's side and then headed to the airport in Indianapolis for a visit with Gina's parents in Arizona. We'll get some photos up soon from that trip. For now, enjoy a look at our Christmas Eve and know we wish you a blessed and peaceful New Year